About Buck Image

About Buck

A self-described biochemistry/molecular biology geek, Buck Joffrey, MD, graduated with Alpha Omega Alpha honors from Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine. 

His post-graduate training and interest in neuroscience initially led him to neurosurgical residency at the University of Michigan before detouring into Otolarngology-Head and Neck Surgery at the University of California, San Francisco. After residency, he completed an additional fellowship in Cosmetic Facial Plastic Surgery.

Just a few years after training, Buck decided to leave practice to pursue his entrepreneurial interests. He went on to become a serial entrepreneur and is now a highly successful real estate investment manager with over $1 billion assets under management.

Despite his departure from medicine as a career, Buck’s passion for science and medicine never went away, especially as it relates to the science that was emerging in the field of longevity. 

After years of personally diving deep into this area, Buck decided to share his interests with the world through this passion project, Sapio with Buck Joffrey.